Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Two-Factor authentication with Azure sphere and Azure IoT hub


This blog post introduces to a new way of carrying out two factor authentication using Azure Sphere. As more and more devices are being added to IoT world, there has been increasing need for a device that is secure and connects to Azure IoT to further automate the process. Azure Sphere fills that gap of secure communication. More information on Azure Sphere can be found at: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-microsoft-azure-sphere-secure-and-power-the-intelligent-edge/

The intended goal of this blog post is to present a use of Azure Sphere. The best way to understand any technology is by creating a product or use that shows how the technology works and how it can be leveraged. This blog post presents a use of Azure Sphere by introducing a way to implement "Two factor authentication".

Information on how to setup Azure Sphere can be found in my previous blog post at: Getting started with Azure Sphere


The information provided in this blog is intended to demonstrate a novel use of Azure Sphere. It does not recommend the "Azure Sphere based two factor Authentication" be used in production environment. The recommendation is to use the material provided in this blog as an opportunity to learn and understand Azure Sphere and Azure IoT.

Typical two factor authentication

Let us start by looking a typical two factor authentication. In traditional two factor authentication, a user (using a supported device like, smart phone, desktop or tablet), initiates the authentication by providing a user name and password to the authentication provider. Typically an authentication provider is the system that is part of a web site or an application. The authentication provider takes the user name and password and authenticates the user. This user of user name and password constitutes the first factor of the authentication. On successful authentication of the first factor (user name and password), the authentication provider sends a code to device that is associated with the user who is requesting the authentication. Typically the code sent through text or a phone call. The user receives the code. The authentication provider then provides a page for the user to enter the code that is sent. This code constitutes what we call the second factor. On receiving the second factor (code) the authentication provider verifies the code and completes the authentication process. 
Following diagram illustrates the typical two factor authentication flow.

Figure 1 - Typical two factor authentication flow

Two-Factor Authentication using Azure Sphere

The Two-Factor Authentication using Azure Sphere uses the same authentication mechanism for the first factor (i.e. username and password). But for the second factor it leverages the Azure Sphere device. The Azure Sphere device is attached to a device that is being used by the user requesting the authentication. This replaces the need to have the authentication provider send a code to a user device (such as phone for text message). Instead it relies on the Azure Sphere attached a users device to carryout the second factor authentication. The Azure Sphere device is connected to Azure IoT and that communication is secured by design.
The inspiration of using Azure Sphere as the second factor authentication device came from a paper called "The Seven Properties of Highly Secure Devices" published by Galen Hunt, George Letey, and Edmund B. Nightingale of Microsoft Research. Here is the link for that paper: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/SevenPropertiesofHighlySecureDevices.pdf

Why use Azure Sphere for second factor authentication

  1. Hardware based security. As mentioned in the "The Seven Properties of Highly Secure Devices" paper, the "Highly secure devices have a hardware-based root of trust." Here is the excerpt from that paper.
    Highly secure devices have a hardware-based root of trust. Device secrets are protected by hardware and the hardware contains physical countermeasures against side-channel attacks. Unlike software, hardware has two important properties that may be used to establish device security. First, single purpose hardware is immune to reuse by an attacker for unintended actions. Second, hardware can detect and mitigate against physical attacks; for example, pulse testing the reset pin to prevent glitching attacks is easily implemented in hardware. When used to protect secrets and device correctness, hardware provides a solid root of trust upon which rich software functionality can be implemented securely and safely. 
  2. Secured Communication: The communication between the Azure Sphere device and Azure IoT hub is secured by Azure. As system implementor we would not need to secure the communication as we are leverage Azure for that. 


  1. Since Two-Factor Authentication using Azure Sphere is based on Azure Sphere device connected to user's machine, it is important to mention that the prerequisite of this system is to have Azure Sphere device properly connected the user's machine. Information on setting up Azure Sphere device with a machine is provide in previous blog post Getting started with Azure Sphere
  2. The second prerequisite is to make sure the Azure Sphere device has been added to an Azure IoT hub. More information for that can be found at Microsoft Docs article Set up an IoT Hub for Azure Sphere

Authentication Flow with Azure Sphere

As mentioned above the first step is validating the factor 1 which is typical user name and password authentication. The following steps illustrates the flow information and authentication mechanism for the factor 2 (security code):
  1. User provides the user name and password that is passed on to the authenticator (authentication provider). 
  2. The authenticator validates the user name and password thus completing the factor 1 authentication. 
  3. After that authenticator sends message to Azure Sphere device attached to the user's machine to generate a security code and instructs the user to press the Button 2 on the Azure Sphere device. Information on setting up Azure Sphere device is provide in prerequisite section mentioned above. 
  4. The Azure Sphere device receives the request through its connection to Azure IoT hub. 
  5. It then generates a security code, saves the security code in its mutable memory and posts the result to Azure IoT hub. 
  6. Azure IoT hub informs the authenticator (authentication provider) about the generated security code. 
  7. As instructed by the authenticator, the user presses the Button 2 on the Azure Sphere device. 
  8. The Azure Sphere device retrieves the saved security code and posts the information to Azure IoT hub. 
  9. The authenticator then receives the notification that user has pressed the Button 2 along with the security code that was retrieved by the Azure Sphere device from its mutable memory. 
  10. The authenticator then validates the security code retrieved previously when Azure Sphere generated the security code and when the Button 2 was pressed. 
  11. Based on the authentication result, the user is deemed authenticated or not.

Figure 2 - Two Factor Authentication using Azure Sphere


Although Azure Sphere is quite powerful and versatile, we have seen how we can leverage Azure Sphere and Azure IoT hub to provide the second factor authentication for a two-factor authentication system. There are other systems that can be build on top of the design that is presented here. If we look further, we can connect another device with Azure Sphere device that provide other uses. For example, we can provide a display to show the security code that is generated by the Azure Sphere device that can be entered into an interface provider by the authenticator.

In my next blog post, I have taken provided technical details on how Two-Factor authentication is implemented using Azure Sphere and Azure IoT hub. The details are provider at: Two-Factor authentication with Azure sphere and Azure IoT hub - Step by step

Comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Multi Factor Authentication tips. for more info i rfer cion systems Multi Factor Authentication in USA.
